英 [pə'sɪfɪk]
- adj. 太平洋的
- n. 太平洋
- The Liberals were traditionally seen as the more pacific party.
- 传统上,自由党人被认为更加爱好和平。
- All I ever wanted to do was make movies.
- 我一直以来最想做的就是拍电影.
- The night is pacific.
- 黑夜静悄悄.
- Her passage across the Pacific was uneventful.
- 她横穿太平洋的航行是平静的.
- Ecuador lies between Columbia, Peru, and the Pacific Ocean.
- 厄瓜多尔位于哥伦比亚 、 秘鲁和太平洋之间.
- The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean in the earth.
- 太平洋是地球上最大的海洋.
- The South Pacific was the theater for much of the action in the Second World War.
- 南太平洋是第二次世界大战中许多战斗的战场.
- The road follows the Pacific coastline.
- 公路沿着太平洋海岸线延伸.
- We are pacific people.
- 我们是爱好和平的人.
- There are multitudes of islands on the Pacific.
- 太平洋中有许多岛屿.
- We sailed out of the harbour toward the Pacific.
- 我们离港驶往太平洋.
- He saw action in the South Pacific.
- 他在南太平洋参加过战斗.
- He planned to cross the Pacific by yacht.
- 他曾打算乘快艇横渡太平洋.
- He drew a word picture of a South Pacific sunset.
- 他对南太平洋上的日落作了生动逼真的描写.
- Lying as it does in the deep waters of the Western Pacific, Japan winds in and out like a snake from southwest to northeast, a distance of more than two thousand miles.
- 日本这个国家位于西太平洋的深水地带, 像蛇一样弯弯曲曲地自西南向东北延伸, 全长两千多英里.
- Many rivers in Asia empty into the Pacific.
- 亚洲许多河流流入太平洋.
- He is serving on a warship in the Pacific.
- 他在太平洋海域的一艘军舰上服役.
- Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast, imperilling commercial shipping.
- 散逸的水雷开始在太平洋海岸出现而危及商船的航行.
- China faces the Pacific on the east.
- 中国东临太平洋.
- She learned her insurance had been canceled by Pacific Mutual Insurance Company.
- 她得知自己的保险已经被太平洋互助保险公司中止了。
- The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific.
- 阿留申群岛是北太平洋上一长串呈弧形排列的小岛。
- MacArthur was Supreme Commander for the allied powers in the Pacific.
- 麦克阿瑟将军曾是太平洋战区盟军的最高统帅。
- She moved out of 28 Barbary Lane to take up residence in a house in Pacific Heights.
- 她从巴巴里街28号搬出来,住进了太平洋高地住宅区的一所房子。
- France has carried out an underground nuclear explosion on Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific.
- 法国已经在南太平洋的穆鲁罗瓦环礁进行了地下核爆。
- Anita drove north up Pacific Highway.
- 安妮塔驱车沿太平洋公路向北行驶。
- We had made arrangements to stop by her house in Pacific Grove.
- 我们已安排好去造访她位于帕西菲克格罗夫的家。
- Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods.
- 我们的路线沿着太平洋海岸,途经人口稠密的街区。
- Palm trees stir in the soft Pacific breeze.
- 棕榈树在太平洋和煦的微风中轻轻地摇动。
- These Pacific oysters are known for their hardiness.
- 这些太平洋牡蛎以适应力强而闻名。